Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monkey Mountain

Some new friends and I took a Saturday to climb up Monkey Mountain. Here is the video just Click Here. Hope you enjoy it and I'll have new videos up soon! Also, I'll post some pictures soon.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I am in Taiwan now!!! 现在我在台湾

Link on the last sentence for video I made if you don't feel like reading this.

Okay so I am not good at this blogging thing, but I will try to see if I can post pictures and stories sooner. I have been in Taiwan for one month now and it has been a blast. I really enjoy it here. It is 100% different than America(if you couldn't guess for yourself). I have found an apartment in Kaohsiung and I love it and its location. It's right next to a bus stop and MRT(Metro Rail Train(Subway)) all within a 2 minute walk. Also, in a two minute walk in the other direction is Love River. I have gotten to see many temples with are just breath taking knowing how long ago they were built. Currently I am in Taipei(Capital) to do my training. I have 10 days of intense training. Most days I will start at 8:15am and end at 6:30pm. They do have a lot to teach because 90% of people here don't have education for teaching or have any teaching experience. I'm not saying I'm smarter by any means, but according to the itinerary the first 5-6 days will be covering what I spent 4 semesters going over, but it will be a great review and most likely help me. Also, I two terms I here quite frequently is 老外(lao way)  or 外国人(way gwoah run) which both mean foreigners. I have had people approach to try and talk to me. A lot of the time I will walk around at night and hear somebody yell out "Good Morning" because it's the very little English they know. Anyways, this has been a beyond amazing experience. Soon I will upload a picture/video of my apartment and some video of the traffic here. Also, there is a thing called a high speed rail here. It take less than 2 hours to go from the north side of the island to the south side. It is amazingly fast! I have put together a video of the places I have gone since being here. Just Click Here and the video will pop up for you. Thanks for reading.