Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monkey Mountain

Some new friends and I took a Saturday to climb up Monkey Mountain. Here is the video just Click Here. Hope you enjoy it and I'll have new videos up soon! Also, I'll post some pictures soon.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I am in Taiwan now!!! 现在我在台湾

Link on the last sentence for video I made if you don't feel like reading this.

Okay so I am not good at this blogging thing, but I will try to see if I can post pictures and stories sooner. I have been in Taiwan for one month now and it has been a blast. I really enjoy it here. It is 100% different than America(if you couldn't guess for yourself). I have found an apartment in Kaohsiung and I love it and its location. It's right next to a bus stop and MRT(Metro Rail Train(Subway)) all within a 2 minute walk. Also, in a two minute walk in the other direction is Love River. I have gotten to see many temples with are just breath taking knowing how long ago they were built. Currently I am in Taipei(Capital) to do my training. I have 10 days of intense training. Most days I will start at 8:15am and end at 6:30pm. They do have a lot to teach because 90% of people here don't have education for teaching or have any teaching experience. I'm not saying I'm smarter by any means, but according to the itinerary the first 5-6 days will be covering what I spent 4 semesters going over, but it will be a great review and most likely help me. Also, I two terms I here quite frequently is 老外(lao way)  or 外国人(way gwoah run) which both mean foreigners. I have had people approach to try and talk to me. A lot of the time I will walk around at night and hear somebody yell out "Good Morning" because it's the very little English they know. Anyways, this has been a beyond amazing experience. Soon I will upload a picture/video of my apartment and some video of the traffic here. Also, there is a thing called a high speed rail here. It take less than 2 hours to go from the north side of the island to the south side. It is amazingly fast! I have put together a video of the places I have gone since being here. Just Click Here and the video will pop up for you. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's Been A While

So I haven't posted on here because I feel like there hasn't been really anything to new to put on here. All I have been doing is working non-stop to save up to go to Taiwan. I have been bussing tables at Floyd's Shrimp House this summer and saving every bit of money I have made. I have saved up enough to go over there. Now I have one more month of work and would like to save up for a scooter over there. I have my plane ticket leaving January 13, 2014. Really nothing new just trying to make plans on what to do before I leave the country. I know I will miss some American luxuries like Football or fast food. Anyways, nothing really more except I have saved up my money and now just a little more to go. I'm excited for this next big step in my life.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Plans Are Falling Into Place

So this thing is super weird in a way for me to rant so much, but I think it will be helpful to not crowd Facebook. For those of you who don't know; very recently I have made the decision to move to Kaohsiung, Taiwan. There a mixture of reasons why I have decided to go over to Taiwan. Some of them are for professional reasons to learn Chinese to make me more competitive when it comes to my future career. Another reason is I want to go is to travel and to experience the world and see more. I would like to visit Japan, Korea(mainly the south part), Thailand, India, Russia, etc. Also, China would be a place I would want to visit more than once because all of the friends I have made there recently. But it has a lot to do with a girl name Yu-Chen Hsu, or Julie which is her American name. That's why I'm being so precise with the location. I plan on teaching English over there, I know you're all thinking how when my grammar is so atrocious. I'm told I would probably teach conversational skills and prononciation. So I may have dodged a bullet there. I'm just going to use this thing as an easy way to track my trip and be an easy way for me to keep everything in one place. I won't be using this thing a lot before I leave just updates if I get a job and what's going on, but I plan on leaving around January 27th, 2014. Also, I'm going to upload some pics of the city I'll be living at.

This is Julie