Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's Been A While

So I haven't posted on here because I feel like there hasn't been really anything to new to put on here. All I have been doing is working non-stop to save up to go to Taiwan. I have been bussing tables at Floyd's Shrimp House this summer and saving every bit of money I have made. I have saved up enough to go over there. Now I have one more month of work and would like to save up for a scooter over there. I have my plane ticket leaving January 13, 2014. Really nothing new just trying to make plans on what to do before I leave the country. I know I will miss some American luxuries like Football or fast food. Anyways, nothing really more except I have saved up my money and now just a little more to go. I'm excited for this next big step in my life.

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